Jesus Christ Superstore

Advertisements (obviously I wasn’t going to come up with a better title than that, and Glenn would approve) So my primary watching this winter was a sitcom that has been relegated to the second tier, below contemporary giants like Parks and Recreation, Community, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the last of which also features a principal namedContinue reading “Jesus Christ Superstore”

Teen Tropes: A Cease-and-Desist List

Advertisements “YOUTHS.” : Schmidt, New Girl Hello, suckers. Welcome back. (That’s how Velma Kelly opens Act II of Chicago, for all you theatre freaks.) After racking up an array of shows and movies and also YouTube takedowns of the shows and movies, I have reached the limit of my tolerance for almost all visual mediaContinue reading “Teen Tropes: A Cease-and-Desist List”

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